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Mason Jars- a quick history lesson!

John Landis Mason invented the Mason jar on November 30, 1858. In 1884, Ball Corporation began manufacturing glass home canning jars, the product that established Ball as a household name and licensed Mason’s design.

While canning practices helped to extend the lifespan of people's food, it was the Mason jars airtight system that perfected it. Mason was just 26 when he filed his jar patent! 

The Mason jar has since become a kitchen staple. Originally only used for perserving foods, (we still use them to extend the life of our berries), this charming design has since been embraced for many other uses. With the increased awareness in buying more environmently friendly and sustainable products, the Mason jar is once again drawing attention. While glass is 100% recyclable it’s the design of the Mason jar that makes it reusable, which is even better. Chances are, you already have one in your home.

I remember my father using them to hold nails on his tool bench and my mom used them to hold salad dressing. Nowadays, you can find them serving up craft cocktails and displaying your favorite flowers. Who knew these simple jars were sheik?

These jars can be found everywhere, from grocery stores, to super stores and of course Amazon. They can in all different sizes, so get on board and discover how you can put these to use in your home!


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