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  • carnrob

Pickled Peppers

So it’s the end of the season and you’ve cleared out all the bounty from your summer garden. Now the question is what to do with all of this goodness so it

doesn’t go bad before you can use it- the easy answer is pickle it! Here is a simple pickling recipe that works great for peppers and they will last up to 6 months in the fridge.

To begin, go through your peppers and get rid of any that are soft or blemished, then wash them in cold water. You will need a few mason jars, we even used a locking lid jar.

Next, gather these items:

Kosher salt

5% acidity white vinegar

Boiling water

A few garlic cloves

Begin by trimming down the long stems from your peppers, we are pickling cowhorn peppers and also are making pickled banana peppers.

For the cow horns, make a small slit at the bottom of each pepper.

For the banana peppers, cut them into rings.

Add your peppers to your jars, separating each variety of doing more than one type.

Top each jar with a peeled clove of garlic.

Next, pour 1/4 to 1/2 cup vinegar to each quart sized jar over the vegetables. Then add 1 tsp salt to each cup of boiled water. Add the salted boiled water to the jars, filling to the top leaving about 2” from the rim. Use a fermenting weight to hold the peppers down (use used a stainless steel condiment cup)

Seal your jars and store on your counter for 5-7 days, making sure to “burp” the jars daily to let out any gas that builds up.

Refrigerate after 7 days and keep refrigerated for up to 6 months. Enjoy!


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