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  • carnrob

Tomato Season is here!

If you live in the northeast and have tomato plants, they are about to pop, or as the kids say, “pop off!”

If you’re anything like me, you may have gotten a little too enthusiastic about the garden-to-be and planted too many.

So what do we do with all of these tomatoes?

Freeze them! Use them for soups, chili, and sauce! All you need are some freezer bags, a pot and a few minutes. It’s so easy, I promise!

First grab your large pot and fill with water. While that’s coming to a boil, pull out your freezer bags.

***Make sure you use freezer bags, not all seal top bags are created the same. I like the Ziploc freezer quart size. It holds roughly 2 cups of tomatoes which makes it easy to incorporate into most of my recipes, but work with whatcha got!

Once your water boils, drop your tomatoes in and allow the heat to do the work. After about 3-5 minutes, you’ll see the skin start to seperate. That’s when you know, your tomatoes are good to go!

Remove each tomato and set it down for about 30 minutes to allow for it to cool off. Once cooled, go ahead and peel off that skin. Be sure to do this over a bowl to spare the juice. Once you have collected enough tomatoes, go ahead and add them to your ziploc. Take a bit of the remaining juice and pour it in. Place them in the freezer and say “see ya” until you are ready for them.

Just think, this winter when you are snowed in, you can transport yourself back to your garden with every bite!

This crock pot turkey chili is a favorite of mine for my summer tomatoes. It doesn’t get easier than that!

Come back later in the summer for a tomato canning blog post!


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